Discover the Benefits of Elk Grove Vending Machines

Elk Grove vending machines and water filtrationElk Grove vending machines make quality refreshments easily accessible to your guests and employees. We provide a range of snack vending machines, beverage vending machines, and food vending machines that can be customized to include your favorite products. Additionally, we offer healthy vending machines that provide better-for-you options in your Elk Grove workplace. Modern and attractive, our vending machines accept multiple payment options, meaning customers don’t need to carry cash. Enhance your Elk Grove break room with our sleek, state-of-the-art vending machines.

Enjoy Coffee that Rivals the Coffee Shop with Elk Grove Office Coffee and Water Filtration Services

Elk Grove office coffee and vending serviceStart the morning off right with our Elk Grove office coffee service. Coffee and tea are Elk Grove workplace staples. Give your employees the best with our gourmet coffee products and modern office coffee equipment. Employees can make their coffee just how they like it, as we’ll also provide creamers, sweeteners, stir sticks, and more. Enhance the taste of your coffee and tea by also adding our Elk Grove water filtration service. Our plumbed-in water filtration systems purify water so employees can drink fresh water anytime.

Elk Grove Micro-Markets Made for You

Elk Grove micro-markets and beverage vending machinesReimagine your break room with an Elk Grove micro-market. Innovative and modern, a micro-market brings glass front coolers and open shelves. There, Elk Grove employees can find snacks, fresh foods, and beverages without leaving the building. We can customize your micro-market to include your favorite products such as popular local products, national brands, and healthy options. Customers can pay at the self-serve kiosk using the payment method of their choice. Contact us to start planning a micro-market for your Elk Grove break room today!

Our Elk Grove Office Pantry Service is an Excellent Employee Perk

Elk Grove office pantry service and food vending machinesImprove your Elk Grove workplace by offering your employees free refreshments in the break room. Our Elk Grove office pantry service can be customized to meet your unique needs. You set the menu and budget, and we will take care of the rest. An office pantry can boost morale and help attract new talent to your workplace. Create the Elk Grove break room of your dreams with an office pantry.

Contact Legend Vending to take your Elk Grove break room to the next level.
We look forward to serving you!